How can we help you?

How can I identify if the person calling me is an iCard employee?

Always keep in mind that whenever our agents contact you via phone, it will be from number +44 20 3129 1213 or +359 889 229 001. If you receive a call from iCard always be on the lookout for:

  • Suspicious questions about any type of personal or sensitive information - our team will never ask you to provide them with an authorisation code, passcode, full card number, CVC, or PIN code. Keep in mind that our agents may ask you to confirm your personal details for identification purposes.
  • Unusual requests - we would never ask you to transfer money to another account or open unverified links to enter your login credentials. Our team would also never ask you to transfer money or make any other active operations.
  • Asking to download other apps - our agents will never advise you to download and install third-party apps for remote access. You only need the iCard app to complete any type of financial operations with your iCard account.

If you suspect that a call may be from someone who is impersonating an iCard employee, please do not share any information and contact our team immediately at or start a live chat. 

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